Month: October 2023

Books, Books, and more oh my!: Value of the Prince George Public Library for Teachers

During a tour of Prince George’s Public Library, I learned there are so many tools and advantages for teachers. Okay, where do I begin? Well, we all know libraries have books. This library has books… a lot of books. Which is good considering their name and entire image. Yet it’s not all books.

Let’s talk about the books first. They have so many at a lot of different reading levels. For the most part their already sectioned into them. Which makes it easier to find the level you need and get and get out if you are in a rush. Or if you have the time take and peruse the shelves you’ll be there all day. So many genres, fantasy, mystery, comedy, biography, magazines, cultures, fiction, non fiction and even bugs. All at different lengths too. They even have some books that have built-in storytelling no disk required and ebooks. Which are really good for students with exceptionalities or those who like to be read to. For teachers they have an entire section for us on their website. They can get books together for us on any topic like if you want 20 books on cats early reading levels they’ll get that together for you. So we don’t have to spend time trying to scan through the shelves. But you can do that too if you’re into that. Almost their entire catalogue or wait I’m pretty sure it’s their entire catalogue is online. You can place a hold on anything, can checkout for pick up or see if they have what you want without leaving your class or home.

They have more than books too. All which brings value to teachers. They have a variety of learning kits that include lesson plans on so many different topics, which as a educator anything to help create engaging lessons is great! They offer school tours where they can either try and come to you or you can bring your class to them, and the students can get library cards. They’ll learn about everything the public library has to offer. Which is a lot. They have a variety of movies, games available to take out or to play in the teen area, computers, printers and different classes and clubs that meet at the library. So if your school doesn’t offer it the library probably does. They also have two locations in PG and can do interlibrary loans so if you need anything that is not at the main branch they’ll find it for you. Plus, they have it where there is not late fees. So no rush to get them back but remember someone else might be waiting. 

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.


The public library has so much value for educators it creates a welcoming environment and will support us to try and make our jobs easier. With all the services they provide especially for us. Plus they help us introduce access to books for some who don’t always have access to them or a quiet space.  

Digital Literacy

How do we navigate around computers or a tablet? How do we use a cellphone? How does anyone understand these technologies? The importance of digital literacy is growing every year. Every time someone creates a new website or a new shortcut the knowledge changes. With the amount of change that happens with technology, teachers and students need to be able to understand the basics to grow a foundation. Then be able to add onto their knowledge to help keep up with the world that is technology. It’s a technology world we are just living in it.

As a teacher, it can be hard to keep up with changes that get thrown at us from every direction. Having digital literacy can make most things easier. We can communicate with parents and even each other quickly. We can use videos, lesson ideas, and tools, and we can find everything we ever wanted to know right at our fingertips,

“ A teacher well-versed in digital literacy and internet safety can engage with these inquiries, fostering deeper understanding and critical thinking with students. However, when a teacher lacks expertise, they might struggle to answer questions accurately, leaving students to question their teacher’s real understanding of today’s online world.” (The White Hatter)

Having skills that we can build upon for ourselves and our students helps in so many ways. Nowadays we can find new ways to teach. Although teaching with technology can have it benefits but it does comes with its draw backs as well. Most of the time it comes from slow connection to wifi or if someone forgot to charge the device and if all of a sudden the device just stops working. Plus, even though we can adapt our lessons easier which in return makes our student’s lives much easier, it can be a challenge to adapt the technology to those who need it. Unless you have the resources.

“The benefits of digital literacy include improving young learners’ writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills, getting used to authentic materials, increasing the frequency of digital technology use, enhancing online collaboration between teacher-learners and learners” (Buckingham)

    The more we can communicate with others the more we learn and grow. As a teacher, we never stop learning about the world around us. We help create the next generation and shape them for the ever-changing world.

    1. Teach students how to evaluate the information they find online
    2. Discuss online privacy with students
    3. Help students understand online etiquette
    4. Teach digital writing
    5. Discuss AI tools and academic integrity
    people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

    For students or any learner, it’s important to have digital literacy. They can learn better and they can create so many things. They can write papers with accurate information, they can create art and share it with the world, start a business from their homes, learn world cultures from the world in a classroom and they can find out about their ancestors with a click of a button. The world is at their fingertips and the world is their oyster. Communication is the first thing that comes to mind with digital literacy. The more we know and can learn the more we can strive.

    There are so many skills that come out of using computers. They are not just a distraction for games or social media,

    “In relation to the internet, for example, children need to learn how to locate and select material – how to use browsers, hyperlinks search engines, and so on. But to stop there is to confine digital literacy to a form of instrumental or functional literacy. The skills that children need in relation to digital media are not confined to those of information retrieval. As with print, they also need to be able to evaluate and use information critically if they are to transform it into knowledge. This means asking questions about the sources of that information, the interests of its producers, and the ways in which it represents the world; and understanding how these technological developments are related to broader social, political and economic forces.” (Buckingham)

    The stronger students can be with digital literacy the stronger they will be in life. It opens up jobs. It helps them succeed in their studies. So much information is shared every day being able to decipher what is real and what is fake is huge. Digital literacy can help form opinions and can help discover real answers to questions.

    It’s important for everyone to have digital literacy. Being able to communicate with each other and discover what we can about the world. It will change everything we do.

    Buckingham, David. “Defining digital literacy-What do young people need to know about digital media?.” Nordic journal of digital literacy 10.Jubileumsnummer (2015): 21-35.

    The White Hatter “The Challenges of ‘Boxed’ School-Based Digital Literacy and Internet Safety Lesson Plans!” the White Hatter, 1 Sept. 2023,

    Vos, Lesley J. “Teaching Digital Literacy to Students in 2023.” eLearning Industry, June 2023,

    Digital Footprints in Education

    With all the technology that puts the world and then some in our hands comes with some perks and also creates eeary situations. The current generation and some before it grew up with being tech savvy. They know how to navigate themselves around technology even with their eyes closed. As a teacher we might not fully be on the same technological level as our students but we need to be able to get deeper. To help navigate ourselves and our students in the right direction.

    Everything we do on the internet leaves a trace that follows us whether we know it or not. So, understanding how our digital footprint happens and what is left behind matters.

    What is a digital footprint?

    Our digital footprint happens with everything we do,

    • Websites we visit
    • Emails
    • Submissions we make
    • Purchases
    • Social Media Posts/Shares
    • Accepting cookies when a site asks/ Accepting terms and conditions
    • Surveys
    • Games
    • Chatrooms
    • Google/Google maps

    Your digital footprints speak volumes than your CV — Bernard Kelvin Clive

    Since the dawn of social media, lots of people have said to children of all ages be careful of what you post online, who you talk to and where you go. A lot of the time people resort to scare tactics, the ‘stranger danger’ trope, “speak with any educator and they will tell you that when a child is frightened, learning stops. This is an important reason why I believe that when teaching children, we need to “enlighten and not frighten.” (The White Hatter) We shouldn’t just focus on the negative. People don’t always listen to ‘authority’ telling them what to do.

    “Many  children  and  teenagers  are  being  discouraged  from  freely  using  the internet,  in  an  effort  to  protect  them  from  making  mistakes .  Media  stories that  unduly  focus  on  the  dangers  posed  by  the  internet  (stalking,  identity  theft,  cyberbullying,  and  internet  addiction,  for  example)  frame  children  as  passive,  vulnerable consumers  of  digital  culture  endangered  by  the  online  environment.  This portrayal  of  children  as  powerless  victims  rather  than  resourceful  participants  overlooks  the  multiple  ways  children  use  the  internet  to  establish their identities,  build  skills,  communicate,  and  engage  in  their  social  worlds.” (Buchanan et al.  51)

    Students are smarter than we think. There is a lot of unknown with how the internet works but we need to think of the positives that come along with it. The internet is a tool for students, just should be treated as a smart tool. Think about what and how much you are sharing.

    As a teacher understanding digital footprints helps keep us safe and the ability to keep our students safe. Especially since technology is used in and outside our classrooms. We can’t hide from technology we need to embrace it. Parents, teachers, school admin, districts etc have a responsibility when it comes to the internet and how we use it and how our children use it.

    1. What’s the message they want to convey?
    2. What’s the best tool for doing it?
    3. What are the best techniques to use in creating that message?
    4. Who is your audience?

    Also, it is important to understand digital footprints as teachers and as students because what others find about us online shapes how they see us or feel about us. When applying to jobs some look you up on social media and see if you would fit with their company right from the beginning. Teachers should as well understand that parents, schools, and students may come across social media profiles. Starting children young in understanding their footprint helps them in their future endeavours.

    Buchanan, Rachel, et al. “Expert Insights into Education for Positive Digital Footprint Development.” Scan: The Journal for Educators 37 (2018): 49-64.

    The White Hatter. “Stranger Danger Doesn’t Work in the Real World or Online World – The White Hatter.” The White Hatter, 29 Aug. 2022,

    The Blanket Exercise

    The blanket exercise with Dr. Sims opened my eye to what my ancestors and what my Great Grandmother went through. My family is part of the Squamish Nation in North Vancouver.  I’m not connected to my culture because even my grandma never learned that much from my great grandma because she never talked about when she was forced off reserve when she married my Great Grandfather.  Currently she is back on reserve and some of my family members have connected to our culture more. My cousin is even the Chief financial officer for the high rise going on our nations land. So there are some of us who’ve found our way closer of knowing but there is still a lot of us who don’t.

    The exercise was a visual of all the statistics, the stories and papers I’ve read about history. Even though it was simple in lack of better terms it had a huge impact. Watching land get smaller and people leaving helped show what it felt like. When my teacher went around as the “European” taking people away I felt like don’t pick me don’t pick me. When she came up to me I felt like what is going to happen. It showed me how it would’ve felt for Indigenous Peoples then when someone who would’ve came up to them to do something. It obviously wasn’t the same and not actually how it would’ve felt in real life (I couldn’t imagine the feeling) but it did give me a small glimpse of what it felt. 

    (Photo Creds: UNBCED Instagram)

    “Reconciliation will never be a lesson plan.” – Dr. Niigaan Sinclair

    Watching Dr. Niigaan Sinclair’s keynote speech was powerful and eye opening. The connection he made to the fire ceremony made so much sense. The fire ceremony takes young men and teaches them how to make a fire. Dividing up tasks to help keep the fire going. Every task requires someone to be diligent and committed. It creates community. It shows that you have to take a ownership in what you are doing, no one is going to do it for you. Just like in education we have to understand that the role of teacher is not all knowing. We should encourage our students to take ownership and responsibility of their learning and question why am I learning this?

    What stood out to me was how the colonial education system teaches students how to be competitive within ourselves and our peers. What kind of grades do you get?, can you pass this test?, are you ready to participate in society and work? and how individual are you without being an individual? Growing up through colonial education system it made me look back and go that makes sense now. For example they used to have provincial exams in a few major courses, english, math, and science. Yet, what these tests never shown was how we might succeed in other courses outside these tests. They got rid of these tests a couple years after I graduated but I remember the pressure to take these tests and how it was more memorization than learning. We put pressure and focus on things that don’t make us better people and learners. Teachers then were talking to me about how important these tests are but then they took them away. So how important were they really? Dr. Sinclair connects these colonial aspects back to Indigenous ways of learning and challenging them with the ideas of teaching someone how to be a good person instead. Generosity, kindness, how can we make everyone fit in and out? and asking the question who am I? and where am I going?

    Dr. Sinclair also talks about how you can teach a unit in class or mention equality but outside of class if they’re not exposed to it, it doesn’t matter. How is someone supposed to take seriously what they learn if they don’t see it or hear it in their everyday lives? Making the way we talk, visuals we use and how we conduct themselves is important. Indigenous culture, ways of learning etc should not just stop in the unit or the classroom.

    Overall, the main idea that is still with me today is when Dr. Sinclair said “reconciliation will never be a lesson plan.” Which is so powerful and true. We can’t magically make reconciliation happen in one lesson or one unit. It takes time and it takes every aspect of our lives. We can’t talk about reconciliation in class then walk out talking and acting the oppisite. With the power of social media and the rest of the internet, we need to be careful of what we do.

    There is only so much we can do as educators but what we can do is a small start. We have the power to start the conversation. We can start the change.

    Ceremonial Fire Circle

    On October 28 with the sound of fire crackling, the smell of smoke in the pouring rain two days before National day of Truth and Reconciliation, in education 394, we got together and had a ceremonial fire circle. It was the most powerful and inspirational experience I’ve had so far.

    Clayton Gauthier talking in the morning was eye opening and special. He talked about how we fill our lives with doubt and judgement. We need to be easier on ourselves which struck me I tend to worry a lot and his words were like therapy. It created a special moment when he looked at me while talking. Even though he might not have felt it but it struck me in the heart. It felt like he was talking directly to me.

    Next, the UNHBC Traditional drummers came and shared their songs and drums with us. The most powerful moment for me was while looking around with everyone singing and drumming, I could hear all of it echo through the agora courtyard. This moment made standing in the freezing cold and rain worth it. It was super powerful. It brought everyone to tears. The silence that ran through the air when everyone stopped singing was louder than words. It made me reflect on how Indigenous Peoples were not allowed to practice any traditional ceremonies or anything of their culture. So to have the pleasure hearing and singing along was powerful. I cant think of any other word other than powerful. I don’t think powerful does it justice.

    It was a cold morning but a powerful, inspirational and vulnerable one.

    My class with UNHBC traditional drummers and Clayton Gauthier

    (You can see a piece of me right behind Claytons head, literally right behind)

    (Photo Credits: UNBCED Instagram)


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