SCAN: “How do I help catch up the students who need it while also getting them ready for the next grade all while keeping them engaged? Or help my students move forward rather than keeping them in one place? How to recognize this?”

This has always been a question I’ve had. Meeting students where they are and still trying to get them ready for the next year. Especially with split grades and balancing students diagnosed/undiagnosed. In the scanning faze there seems to be a lot of things to balance and keep track of. How do I balance many different learning levels in one class within a time frame? Hoping they move out of my class ready to succeed in a different one.

FOCUS: Assessment seems to be the biggest thing that has stuck out during the scanning phase to determine where students can be at. Also, smaller groups especially if there is more than one student at the same level. I need to see more in the long term to see the effects and changes in students and if its a successful method of tracking etc… Especially since there are many different ways to keep track.

HUNCH: I feel like there is a lot to do in a short amount of time. Also a lot of pressure. Not only do you have to try and make sure the student knows what they need to know in their grade level but they might need to work more on a past grade level.

Assessments: Use different assessments throughout the year not just at the beginning and end. Keeping a detailed log the best I can to keep advancing students.

Set goals to move forward: Help students set goals that move them forward. I think keeping goals that are obtainable and advancing will help keep students focused forward.

Working with them: Keep the student involved in their learning and let them know where they are. Not just letting them move along with no idea what is happening to their education.

Celebrating Success: No matter how big or small, celebrating success with students lets them know that I’m on their side and they are on the right track.




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