On October 28 with the sound of fire crackling, the smell of smoke in the pouring rain two days before National day of Truth and Reconciliation, in education 394, we got together and had a ceremonial fire circle. It was the most powerful and inspirational experience I’ve had so far.
Clayton Gauthier talking in the morning was eye opening and special. He talked about how we fill our lives with doubt and judgement. We need to be easier on ourselves which struck me I tend to worry a lot and his words were like therapy. It created a special moment when he looked at me while talking. Even though he might not have felt it but it struck me in the heart. It felt like he was talking directly to me.
Next, the UNHBC Traditional drummers came and shared their songs and drums with us. The most powerful moment for me was while looking around with everyone singing and drumming, I could hear all of it echo through the agora courtyard. This moment made standing in the freezing cold and rain worth it. It was super powerful. It brought everyone to tears. The silence that ran through the air when everyone stopped singing was louder than words. It made me reflect on how Indigenous Peoples were not allowed to practice any traditional ceremonies or anything of their culture. So to have the pleasure hearing and singing along was powerful. I cant think of any other word other than powerful. I don’t think powerful does it justice.
It was a cold morning but a powerful, inspirational and vulnerable one.

My class with UNHBC traditional drummers and Clayton Gauthier
(You can see a piece of me right behind Claytons head, literally right behind)
(Photo Credits: UNBCED Instagram)
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