Math was never my favourite subject. It’s interesting now becoming an educator who will be teaching math. My numeracy class is getting me more and more interested in it. Exploring different ways of teaching it. I was only taught out of a textbook in school when it came to math. So participating in these activities is great.
Computer science was a class I took in college. I thought there would be no way I’d be able to pass with the highest grade I’ve ever got in math or science. My teacher was so good. She explained everything throughly and for some reason my brain just understood it. So I was able to actually somewhat follow this presentation. Wasn’t completely left field for me. Joseph Jefferies is a presenter who came into our numeracy class and blew a lot of minds with his knowledge on math and science. He shared mini lessons and helped through a lot of questions. It’s always interesting learning about different lessons that isn’t just a textbook or a worksheet.
CSunplugged is a website that has many different resources for educators and students. It shows different topics and different grade levels. Many different lessons that can be formatted in many different ways and understandings. It shows computer science lessons without computers.

We did a pixel lesson by colouring different sheets of paper that turned into an image. Linked to talking about pixels and compressing them.

Also, sorting games with numbers and pictures. Which sounds easy but it was not. Linking it to memory, binary numbers, and processing. Probably much more that Joseph Jefferies could tell you.

Photos from UNBCED Instagram and Facebook