After Westcast back in April, the talk of taking our presentation elsewhere to continue it  was almost instant. We were able to present at our own University at the Teaching and Learning Conference.  Presenting to educators from different fields was super nerve wracking for me. I did do this presentation to push myself to try and talk to people. I think I’m getting better but in front of people with higher degrees took me back a little bit.  Having Ariel and Amanda to work with has helped a lot and having Dr. Christine Ho Younghusband guiding/working with us has been really motivating. This would be the second iteration as we had to change it to fit the audience. I think it went really well. You could here the nerves in my voice but every time we get outside I feel better and I’d like to say I get more relaxed also get out my head.  We got good feedback from participates and when we finished it was time to get ready to present to our cohort and the beginning of the new cohort.

Block 1/5 sharing made me not as nervous. Of course though I still got nervous. I feel when we are done presenting this whenever it is I will not get nervous. Let’s return to that though at the end. We had the opportunity to present to the block 1’s to show them an example of an inquiry presentation they have to do for one of their classes. This is the third iteration. Which we also edited to fit our audience. I feel it went really well and I hope that they got something out of it (even just a little).  Our cohort was also there and hopefully they were happy to see what we have been working on for so long. So far all I’ve heard was good feedback and great comments. 

Next will be getting the fourth iteration done and heading to UBCO to present there. (Hopefully my nerves will be less)