I decided to challenge myself in this practicum by doing grades 6/7. Primary is my comfort zone and the thought of doing an Intermediate class seemed like something I could never do. The main thing that worried me was not being able to make the connections I find easier to make in a primary class.  All of my worries or what I was nervous for were shattered by a great life changing experience. 

School: Nusdeh Yoh Elementary

Grade: 6/7

I felt welcomed and energized by the positive atmosphere that permeated the entire school.

At first I was nervous walking into the room full of older students. As the days went on more and more started to talk to me. It became where a new student would talk to me everyday, even ones that would be seen as more quiet. I was able to make the same connections with the students like I feel I would in a primary class. Just in a different way. I started joking with students about things I’ve heard them say. Joking with them seemed to work with them a lot. Even if they sometimes would look at me like I was weird. I would participate in activities with them like in gym. Also, I think just being there and being present with them helped them see they could trust me and I had their best interest at heart. I got so inspired by them. Hearing their stories from them and from staff made me see things differently. They are the strongest kids I know. It was an extra week from the last practicum but it went by way too fast. It made it very hard to say goodbye to them and I hope that they achieve everything and anything they want. I’ll remember them forever.

The staff and Admin at Nusdeh Yoh are so inspiring. They all were passionate advocates for their students’ success. Each teacher I interacted with had a unique approach to teaching, yet they all shared a common dedication to fostering a supportive learning environment. They were always willing to share their knowledge, strategies, and resources, ensuring that I had ample opportunities to learn and grow as an educator. One of the most memorable aspects of my practicum was witnessing the genuine connections between teachers and students. The rapport they had built was evident in the way students eagerly participated in lessons, asked questions without hesitation, and sought guidance from their teachers. It was heartwarming to see how the educators went beyond academics, also nurturing the students’ social and emotional well-being. I learned so much from them and hope that I can model what they’ve shown me to any school or class I have in the future.

Another highlight was the school’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. I observed teachers implementing creative teaching, and adapting their approaches to meet the diverse needs of their students. The collaborative spirit among the staff encouraged experimentation and shared learning, creating a dynamic environment where everyone was encouraged to push boundaries and explore new ideas. Throughout my practicum, I was supported not only by my CT but by the entire school community. I received constructive feedback, encouragement, and invaluable advice that helped me refine my teaching skills and gain confidence in the classroom. The experience taught me the importance of reflection, flexibility, and empathy in teaching, qualities that are essential for nurturing the next generation of learners.

My time at the school was truly transformative. I left with a deeper understanding of what it means to be an effective educator and a renewed sense of purpose in pursuing a career in teaching. The inspiring staff, dedicated students, and inclusive community made my practicum experience unforgettable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such a remarkable learning environment.