Beginning the Dakelh language: Learning about the beginning of the Dakelh letters and pronunciation was interesting to me. Especially the glottal stop. Saying Lhedli T’enneh wrong and it is so nice to know how to say their nation properly. I can’t wait to learn more of the language.

In our Second Language class we went to the PitHouse near UNBC and Elder Edie Fredrick joined us even with a broken foot. I have never been out that way before. I usually only go the Forest for the World entrance. It was a beautiful day for a walk. So many plants that Edie stopped and took the time to teach us what they are called and what they may be used for. When we got to the PitHouse it was cool to see and learn more about how it built and the cultural traditions it holds. Especially knowing that Indigenous Peoples used it during the winters. Edie shared lots of wisdom with us and was inspiring to hear. When she referred to us as knowledge holders that felt powerful to me. It makes it more real about being in this profession on how much influence we have over students. On the way back I walked with Edie helping her stabilize as she walked up and down the little hills. We had a good talk. Asked her what advice she has for us with students who may not have a connection with their culture etc she said to be patient and hear them. Which is so true. Not everyone takes the time to listen to students and hear what they are saying.