A page for me to show off my cats. I want to connect my students to all animals and help them appreciate all that they do for us. Starting with our pets.
Twizzler, he is my everything. My first pet I wanted for me and the only pet that I begged my mom for. Thankfully she said yes! His name came from my brother, I like different names for animals. So we were trying to think of names. He saw a pack of Twizzlers in my room and jokingly said what if you name him Twizzler. So I did.
Baby Twizzler 2012

Twizzler 11 years old (2023)
He loves getting his picture taken… can you tell?
I have so many photos of him sleeping and laying in the weirdest positions. Here he is on a stairwell ledge.

Next is Oliver she is my families cat. She came to us too early and very small but has grown to be chunky and wild. We named her Oliver, after Oliver from the movie “Oliver and Company” and we also thought she was a boy.

Baby Oliver 2020
Oliver currently three years old