My time at Nusdeh Yoh was inspiring, eye-opening and impacting. I could write about it forever. So many experiences happened. Lots of field trips.

The first of the experiences was going to Shane Lake. Getting out on the land and being outside with the students helped me form connections with the students in a different environment. Me and my classmate Elaina did shelter building with our students. It turned out well we got a few shelters built that would survive some elements. I also did some face painting and got to connect with other students from the school. On our way out we ran into a mother moose and her calve. We had to turn around and reroute our plan for leaving. It was cool to see and answering students’ questions on why we couldn’t keep going towards them was a cute moment for me.

We went to CNC where the students got to see what opportunities are here in their hometown. Which I was in charge of running. Everything from attendance on the bus to CNC to making sure everyone was on the bus back to everything in between. I’m hoping every student will be inspired to be and do anything they want.

Devil’s club Harvesting, thanks to the IEWs at Nusdeh Yoh the students and I got to learn about Devil’s Club by harvesting and processing it. They shared their knowledge and I am grateful for the experience to learn traditions.

Another tradition shared was Eagle harvesting. Getting to see that and share it with the students was awesome to see and I appreciate the knowledge shared and the commitment to culture.

ProD day was so fun. We had the opportunity to visit the land based learning teachers property to learn about the land and participate in team building games and inspiring conversations. Earth ovening salmon, harvesting camdon, fire roasting bannock and learning about Labrador tea, and history of the land.

Final trip was to West Lake. It was really fun watching the students have a great time swimming, paddle boarding, catching fish and running around. It was sad for the day to end as it was my last day with the class and the school but I’m glad to have spent it outside in the beautiful sun having fun with great people.